Sunday Sept. 19 Service Information
This week (9/18) we will celebrate Holy Eucharist in the sanctuary at 11:00 a.m., with the Rev. Gregory Hodgson as guest officiant and preacher.
Live streaming of our worship services began last week, and several parishioners who were unable to attend in person reported it was easy to tune in, and that both video and audio came through great. Simply go to St. David's Episcopal Church, Cheraw, SC on Facebook ( this page) and wait for the service to begin. There's no need to download ZOOM or any other virtual meeting software, and you won't have to wait for someone to let you in.
The kids at St. David's School welcomed their grandparents for breakfast on Friday, September 9, to celebrate Grandparents' Day. It certainly sounded like everyone was having a great time. The School will also be taking orders for its Fall Flower Fundraiser from now until September 23. Chrysanthemums in a variety of colors are available for purchase and will be delivered September 29. You can pick up an order form at the school or in the church office, or send a note to to request one.
Father Mike will be away this Sunday and next Sunday, but the Rev. Greg Hodgson will drive up from Charleston to celebrate Holy Eucharist with us. Fr Mike will be here for his regular office hours next week and the week of the 25th.
Please be sure to extend a warm welcome to Fr Hodgson and also to Michael Williams, our new organist, who will be with us for the first time this Sunday.
We are looking to hire a preschool teacher and a teacher's aide. Renee Rowe, our school director, can be reached at 843-253-5296 if you have candidates to refer or if you would like to volunteer at the school, or please see school board chair Vickie Buckner.